Neodigm 55 Low Code UX micro-library
Scott C. Krause | Friday, Nov 25, 2022
Neodigm 55 is different. It's an eclectic UX micro-library. The lightweight components come together in a unique way that makes your website playful, fun, and bounce resistant.
It's low-code, performant, responsive, and open source. Because it’s so easy to get started it is the perfect solution for quick landing pages, business accelerators, and event sites.
Powerful Popups 💡
A modal dialog cannot be closed until the user has answered the questions. The user cannot click anything outside of the popup until satisfying the requirements of the dialog, usually this means clicked a button.
Popups can be chained together in a way that the user encounters them in a consecutive sequence. This is good for linear processes because when one popup closes and the next one opens.
See the Wiki Recipes for easy, low-code examples.
Enhanced CTA Buttons command attention and have a mind of their own. They drive conversions with ambient and interactive animation.
The visual prominence leaves no doubt that this is the button that you must click.
Enchanted Animation 🍭
Flash WarningAnimation Flash DangerAnimation
No JavaScript ⚡
Neodigm 55 Enchanted CTA is “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary.
Enchanted CTA Button Usage 💡
🔸 Audio feedback and scrolling animation on hover and click
🔸 Ambient animation makes it clear that this is the button to click
🔸 Random ambient animation cycles, focus user attention on the next action
🔸 Adobe Analytics / Google AnalyticsTrackable
🔸 May contain a Marquee component for verbose text
🔸 May be Disabled
For Example 👁️
<a id="js-open-pup--sm" href="#js-open-pup--sm"
target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true"
data-n55-toast="Toast Message"
data-n55-tulip='{"msg":" Tooltip ","mrq":false,"tmpt":"","theme":"brand","size":"small","position":"top","icon":""}'
data-n55-typeon-click='{"q1st": ".readampm__caption", "msg":"Hi|How are you?|Well, I hope.","mode":"RANDOM|LOOP|OFF","uniqueDelay":68}'
><span data-n55-wired4sound-hover="3">Open Popup ⭐ Small</span><span>Toast Msg ⭐ Flash</span>
Simply copy the two lines of code and paste into the head of any HTML page that you wish to enchant. It's that easy.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
<script src=""></script>
Neodigm Toast is a super convenient way to show a quick message without disrupting the user’s flow. It just pops from the bottom of the screen, displays a message, and then animates off screen.
Its unobtrusive nature makes it perfect for dynamic messages that need to be seen but do not need to occupy precious screen real-estate.
No JavaScript ⚡
Neodigm 55 Toast is “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary.
Toast Usage 💡
Neodigm Toast messages are queued, meaning they will be displayed for 6 seconds in the sequence in which they were called; Allowing adequate time for each message to be read and understood.
On a mobile device a Toast message will cause a slight vibration to call attention to the message.
A Toast message may contain two lines of text. The pipe character is used to break text onto multiple lines.
For Example 👁️
Simply add a tag to your button:
<button data-n55-toast="Hello World Beginner">Beginner</button>
Or call the Toast with JavaScript:
<button onClick="neodigmToast.q('Hello World|Advanced','primary')">Advanced</button>
Generative Audio - A subtle sound can be the unique sensual differentiator that sets your website apart.
For Example 👁️
Simply add a tag to your button:
Or play the Sound / Vibrate with JavaScript:
Neodigm Popup (Soda Pop)
Hi, I am a simple popup. I stay fixed when the page scrolls. I stay focused because the background is blurred. I size myself automatically to fit your content. I am easy to open and easy to close. I can be made full-screen and modal. I look fantastic on a phone!
I can be added to your website without knowledge of JavaScript!
No JavaScript 💡
Neodigm 55 Popups are “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary.
For Example 👁️
Simply add a tag to your button:
Or call the Popup with JavaScript:
Popup Template 🚀
Neodigm Popup (Medium)
Hi, I am a simple popup. I stay fixed when the page scrolls. I stay focused because the background is blurred. I size myself automatically to fit your content. I am easy to open and easy to close. I can be made full-screen and modal. I look fantastic on a phone!
I can be added to your website without knowledge of JavaScript!
No JavaScript 💡
Neodigm 55 Popups are “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary (HTML First).
For Example 👁️
Simply add a tag to your button:
<button data-n55-sodapop-id="myPopup_id"
aria-haspopup="true">Try Me</button>
Or call the Popup with JavaScript:
<button onClick="neodigmSodaPop.autoOpen('myPopup_id')"
aria-haspopup="true">Try Me</button>
Neodigm Popup (Large)
Hi, I am a simple popup. I stay fixed when the page scrolls. I stay focused because the background is blurred. I size myself automatically to fit your content. I am easy to open and easy to close. I can be made full-screen and modal. I look fantastic on a phone!
I can be added to your website without knowledge of JavaScript.
No JavaScript 💡
Neodigm 55 Popups are “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary.
For Example 👁️
Simply add a tag to your button:
<button data-n55-sodapop-id="myPopup_id"
aria-haspopup="true">Try Me</button>
Or call the Popup with JavaScript:
<button onClick="neodigmSodaPop.autoOpen('myPopup_id')"
aria-haspopup="true">Try Me</button>
<neodigm-parallax data-n55-parallax="PATH TO YOUR BACKGROUND IMAGE"
Parallax scrolling is a web design technique in which the website background remains fixed while the foreground moves. This results in a 3D effect as visitors scroll down the site, adding a sense of depth and creating a more immersive browsing experience. A Visual-spatial experience, this scroll effect differentiates from linear top-down sites.
The Marquee display is a powerful and distinct way to draw attention to important text.
<neodigm-marquee data-n55-marquee-text=" YOUR SCROLLING TEXT HERE "
<pre data-n55-theme="warning"></pre>
The Key Performance Indicator is a strong and memorable way to communicate important numbers. It visually communicates a clear and actionable summation of key metrics.
16 %
YTD Sales Target
55 %
YTD Sales Target
76 %
YTD Sales Target
100 %
YTD Sales Target
<neodigm-kpi id="kpi-ytd"
data-n55-tulip='{"msg":"Year to Date","size":"medium","theme":"primary"}'
data-n55-toast="You've reached 100% of your|YTD sales goal"
><h5>100<span>%</span></h5><h6>YTD Sales Target</h6>
The Neodigm Carousel is a smooth horizontal content discovery experience. Animated content pages slide into view from the left or right.
Click the Continue button below.
A great UX pattern for simplified content navigation, progressive storytelling, or linear questionnaires.
It automatically formats your content to fit inside its scrollable region. It is aware of external events such as browser resize or device orientation change, and adjusts accordingly.
The BEST feature of the carousel is how easy it is to configure. Easily add a simple tag to any button to control the carousel navigation. For example, you could create Next / Previous buttons that would advance the carousel without JavaScript.
Carousel usage events are easily tracked with Adobe Analytics / Google Analytics.
You can put a carousel inside of another carousel or inside of a Popup (soda pop).
You can even synchronize more than one carousel instance. This is a good approach if you want to illustrate the isomorphic properties of your data / content.
Advanced: The carousel life-cycle hooks allow you to fire logic whenever any carousel moves, whenever a particular instance of the carousel moves, or whenever a particular page within a particular carousel instance becomes visible.
This is useful if you need to re-hydrate content from an external API each time the carousel is accessed.
See the Wiki Recipes for easy, low-code examples.
<neodigm-carousel id="my-carousel">
<section data-n55-carousel-page-name="PageOne">
<h6>Page Tab Region 1</h6>
<section data-n55-carousel-page-name="PageTwo"
<h6>Page Tab Region 2</h6>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "next"}'>Next</a>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "prev"}'>Prev</a>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "random"}'>Random</a>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "1"}'>Page One</a>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "PageTwo"}'>Page Two</a>
<a data-n55-carousel-nav='{"id": "my-carousel", "nav": "resize"}'>Resize</a>
neodigmCarousel.setOnAfterNav( ()=>{neodigmToast.q('Page 2 Name', 'warning');}, 'my-carousel', 'PageTwo' )
The Neodigm Act Icon component is a succinct and iconic pictograph action button. One simple icon is sufficient to convey its purpose. Less is more in this case. No worries, when combined with a tooltip, the ramifications of clicking this little action icon become crystal clear.
Click the Continue button below.
Web applications typically have actions that can be conceptually categorized by their purpose and scope. For example; First, Previous, Next, Last (pagination) or Create, Read, Edit, and Delete (CRED).
The ActIcon component (Action Icon) is a simple round icon that may be themed, disabled, and supports light / dark mode.
They are useful for quick actions such as CRED (Create, Read, Edit, Delete) or page navigation (First, Previous, Next, Last).
The experience is made discoverable when used in conjunction with tooltips (Neodigm Tulips).
See the Wiki Recipes for easy, low-code examples.
<neodigm-acticon data-n55-theme="brand" data-n55-size="xsmall" data-n55-tulip="Search"><neodigm-icon class="material-symbols-outlined">search</neodigm-icon></neodigm-acticon>
<neodigm-template id="js-myPoptart--id" data-n55-poptart='{"x": 176, "y": 176, "z": 176, "h": 176, "w": 176, "position":"bottom", "arrow": false, "offset":{"h": 0, "l":0, "t":0, "w":0}, "dismiss":"hover"}'>
<neodigm-acticon data-n55-theme="ghost" data-n55-size="medium" data-n55-wired4sound-click='5'
data-n55-tulip='My Poptart'
><neodigm-icon class="material-symbols-outlined" data-n55-wired4sound-hover='3'>movie</neodigm-icon></neodigm-acticon>
A Poptart displays content in a scrollable region on top of your page. It can be dismissed by simply tapping or hovering anywhere outside of the Poptart. It can be set to open on hover or click of any button without JavaScript. Poptart will automatically position and size itself, or you can tell it exactly where to display.
Poptart is easy to set-up, intuitive to use, and looks fantastic on a phone.
Click the Continue button below.
Poptart supports Dark & Light mode (background & border color).
Poptart supports Adobe analytics & Google analytics dataLayer integration.
A Poptart's width and coordinates may be conveniently inherited from it's calling button. Its height can be automatically derived from its content, making it flexible and easy to maintain.
For example; If your content changes the Poptart definition will not need to be updated because it will automatically adjust to a new theme or additional content.
See the Wiki Recipes for easy, low-code examples.
Neodigm Popup (Modal Dialog)
Hi, I am a Modal Popup. I cannot be closed until you select one of the buttons below. This ensures that you acknowledge the selection and have not simply closed the popup accidentally.
Clicking outside of the Popup will cause it to shake and play the error sound, reminding you that you must make a selection before the modal Popup can be dismissed.

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Flickity Carousel A11y Observer
Observe and listen for changes in the Flickity carousel
// Desc: This patch will observe and listen for changes in the Flickity carousel, and when triggered will remove aria-hidden from the carousel child elements. It will observe every carousel instance that exists on the page. This logic utilizes the mutation observer to watch all carousels for changes. The changes may be user initiated or actuated via autoplay configuration.
// Usage: flickPatch = new FlickPatch( document, ".flickity-slider" ); flickPatch.init();
/* ___ _
/___\ |__ ___ ___ _ ____ _____ _ __
// // '_ \/ __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
/ \_//| |_) \__ \ __/ | \ V / __/ |
\___/ |_.__/|___/\___|_| \_/ \___|_| 👁️👁️ */
class FlickPatch { // Flickity Carousel ARIA-HIDDEN observer
constructor(_d, _sQ) {
this._d = _d; this._sQ = _sQ;
this.aF = []; this.aObs = [];
init() { //
this.aF = Array.from( this._d.querySelectorAll( this._sQ ))
if( this.aF.length ){
this.aObs = []
this.aF.forEach( ( eF )=>{
const oObs = new MutationObserver( flickPatch.removeAttr );
oObs.observe( eF, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true } );
this.aObs.push( oObs )
return this;
removeAttr( aObs ){ //
if( aObs.length ){
aObs.forEach( ( elO )=>{
if( elO?.target ){
[ ... "[aria-hidden='true']" )].forEach( ( eH )=>{
//. Usage
let flickPatch = {}
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ( ev )=>{
setTimeout( ()=>{
flickPatch = new FlickPatch( document, ".flickity-slider" )
}, 8e3 )

Generate Lorem Ipsum Text
JavaScript Generate Lorem Ipsum from original Latin De finibus.
,--. ,--.
| | ,---. ,--.--. ,---. ,--,--,--. `--' ,---. ,---. ,--.,--.,--,--,--.
| || .-. || .--'| .-. :| | ,--.| .-. |( .-' | || || |
| |' '-' '| | \ --.| | | | | || '-' '.-' `)' '' '| | | |
`--' `---' `--' `----'`--`--`--' `--'| |-' `----' `----' `--`--`--'
`--' 🌶️ 🌴 🍰 🔥 🗝️ 🎲 */
const genLoremIpsum = ( Sentences=1 )=>{ // Generate Lorem Ipsum | Orig Latin De finibus
if( Sentences == -1 ) Sentences = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1 // If -1 gen rnd num sentences 1-5
const aLI = "lorem ipsum a ab accusamus accusantium ad adipiscing alias aliquam aliquid amet animi aperiam architecto asperiores aspernatur assumenda at atque aut autem beatae blanditiis commodi consectetur consequatur consequuntur corporis corrupti culpa cum cumque cupiditate debitis delectus deleniti deserunt dicta dignissimos distinctio do dolor dolore dolorem doloremque dolores doloribus dolorem dquis ducimus ea eaque earum eius eligendi enim eos error ert esse est et eum eveniet ex excepturi exercitationem expedita explicabo facere facilis fuga fugiat fugit harum hic id illo illum impedit in incididunt inventore ipsa ipsam irure iste itaque iusto labore laboriosam laborum laudantium libero magnam magni maiores maxime minima minus modi molestiae molestias mollitia nam natus necessitatibus nemo neque nesciunt nihil nisi nobis non nostrumd nulla numquam obcaecati odio odit officia officiis omnis optio pariatur perferendis perspiciatis placeat porro possimus praesentium provident quae quaerat quam quas quasi qui quia quibusdam quidem quis quisquam quo quod quos ratione recusandae reiciendis rem repellat repellendaus reprehenderit repudiandae rerudum rerum saepe sapiente sed sequi similique sint sit soluta sunt suscipit tempora tempore temporibus tenetur totam ullam unde ut vel velit veniam veritatis vero vitae voluptas voluptate voluptatem voluptates voluptatibus voluptatum".split(" ")
let sOut = ""
for( let nS = 0; nS <= Sentences; nS++){
let nWc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 3 // Word count per sentence rnd 3-8
for( let nW = 0; nW <= nWc; nW++){
let sWrd = aLI[ Math.floor(Math.random() * aLI.length) ]
if( !nW ) sWrd = sWrd[0].toUpperCase() + sWrd.slice(1) // Cap first
if( sOut.indexOf( sWrd ) == -1 ) sOut += " " + sWrd // Dedupe
sOut += "."
return sOut.trim();
// USAGE: console.log( genLoremIpsum( -1 ) )

Javascript Tiny Type
Replace text with a super small character set.
// Replace text with a super small character set.
_______ _ _______ _
|__ __(_) |__ __| | |
| | _ _ __ _ _ | | _____ _| |_
| | | | '_ \| | | | | |/ _ \ \/ / __|
| | | | | | | |_| | | | __/> <| |_
|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | |_|\___/_/\_\\__|
__/ |
|___/ 🗿 🪐 🔨
let aTiny = {"a":"ᵃ","b":"ᵇ","c":"ᶜ","d":"ᵈ","e":"ᵉ","f":"ᶠ","g":"ᵍ","h":"ʰ","i":"ᶦ","j":"ʲ","k":"ᵏ","l":"ᶫ","m":"ᵐ","n":"ᶰ","o":"ᵒ","p":"ᵖ","q":"ᑫ","r":"ʳ","s":"ˢ","t":"ᵗ","u":"ᵘ","v":"ᵛ","w":"ʷ","x":"ˣ","y":"ʸ","z":"ᶻ","A":"ᴬ","B":"ᴮ","C":"ᶜ","D":"ᴰ","E":"ᴱ","F":"ᶠ","G":"ᴳ","H":"ᴴ","I":"ᴵ","J":"ᴶ","K":"ᴷ","L":"ᴸ","M":"ᴹ","N":"ᴺ","O":"ᴼ","P":"ᴾ","Q":"ᑫ","R":"ᴿ","S":"ˢ","T":"ᵀ","U":"ᵁ","V":"ⱽ","W":"ᵂ","X":"ˣ","Y":"ʸ","Z":"ᶻ","`":"`","~":"~","!":"﹗","@":"@","#":"#","$":"﹩","%":"﹪","^":"^","&":"﹠","*":"﹡","(":"⁽",")":"⁾","_":"⁻","-":"⁻","=":"⁼","+":"+","{":"{","[":"[","}":"}","]":"]",":":"﹕",";":"﹔","?":"﹖"};
let doTinyCaption = ( (_d, _q, _t) => { // Inject Tiny type
let aTinyCnt = [..._d.querySelectorAll( _q )];
if( aTinyCnt ){ setTimeout( ()=>{ doTinyCaption.tick(); }, 32); }
return {
"tick": ()=>{
let sMU = "";
aTinyCnt.forEach( (eVivCnt) => {
if(eVivCnt.atTiny !== eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny){ // Data atr changed
Array.from( eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny ).filter(( sChr )=>{
sMU += ( sChr == " ") ? " " : aTiny[ sChr ];
eVivCnt.innerHTML = sMU;
eVivCnt.atTiny = eVivCnt.dataset.atTiny;
} );
setTimeout( ()=>{ doTinyCaption.tick(); }, _t);
})(document, "[data-at-tiny]", 13664 );

Javascript GA4 Intersection Observer
Heatmap: Track content visibility time in Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics
// Track content visibility time with Intersection Observer in Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics
/\ /\___ __ _| |_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __
/ /_/ / _ \/ _` | __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
/ __ / __/ (_| | |_| | | | | | (_| | |_) |
\/ /_/ \___|\__,_|\__|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/
|_| 🌶️ 🔥
class SyHeatmap { // Neodigm 55 Heatmap Begin
static oObserved = {}; static aObservedEl = []; static aQryContext = []
static oIntObserver = null; static NTHRESH_SECS = 3; static bIsInit = false;
static reInit ( _q, _c = document ){ // DOM bind to context element
if( _q && _c ){
this.aQryContext = [ _q, _c ]
this.oObserved = {};
this.aObservedEl = [ ... _c.querySelectorAll( _q[ 0 ] ) ];
this.aObservedEl.forEach( ( elO )=>{
let elOsib = elO.nextElementSibling
const sCap = elOsib.heatmapCaption = elO.innerHTML
this.oObserved[ sCap ] = elOsib
this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime = []
} )
this.oIntObserver = new IntersectionObserver( ( entries )=>{
entries.forEach( ( oEnt )=>{
if( ){
const sCap =
if( this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime.length ){
this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime.push( {"state": oEnt.isIntersecting, "ts": new Date().getTime() })
}else{ // No first time false (vis when page loads)
if( oEnt.isIntersecting ){
this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime.push( {"state": oEnt.isIntersecting, "ts": new Date().getTime() })
if( oEnt.isIntersecting ){
oEnt.heatmapTotal = SyHeatmap.totalHeatmapTime( this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime ); // Sum and dif array vals
console.log( " ~~~ tot | " + + " | " + oEnt.heatmapTotal )
} )
} )
this.aObservedEl.forEach( ( elObs )=>{
let sCap = this.oObserved[ elObs?.innerHTML ]
if( sCap ) this.oIntObserver.observe( sCap )
} )
if( !this.bIsInit ){
this.bIsInit = true;
setInterval( ()=>{ SyHeatmap.tick() }, 3e3 )
return this;
static totalHeatmapTime ( aHeatmapTime ){ // Return total time on component in secs
let nTotStart = 0; let nTotEnd = 0; // Note: IntrSec Observ will fire FALSE once upon page load for each entry not visible
if( aHeatmapTime.length ){ // Append a FALSE as NOW if the last item is not FALSE (currently in viewport)
let aDTO = [ ... aHeatmapTime ]
if( aDTO[ aDTO.length - 1 ].state == true ) aDTO.push( {"state": false, "ts": new Date().getTime() } )
aDTO.forEach( ( oHMTimes )=>{
if( oHMTimes.state ) nTotStart = nTotStart + oHMTimes.ts
if( !oHMTimes.state ) nTotEnd = nTotEnd + oHMTimes.ts
} )
return ( nTotEnd - nTotStart ) / 1000; // in seconds
static genHeatmap ( nThresh = this.NTHRESH_SECS ){ // Return a simple arry of current hm usage filt threshold
let aCurHM = []
if( this.aObservedEl.length ){
for ( const sCap in this.oObserved ) {
let nTotal = SyHeatmap.totalHeatmapTime( this.oObserved[ sCap ].heatmapTime )
if( nTotal && ( nTotal >= nThresh ) ) aCurHM.push( {"caption": sCap, "secs": nTotal } )
return aCurHM;
static resetHeatMap(){
this.aObservedEl.forEach( ( elObs )=>{
let sCap = this.oObserved[ elObs?.innerHTML ]
if( sCap ) this.oIntObserver.unobserve( sCap )
} )
static appendDataLayer (){ // Iterate filtered heatmap and add to DL - return count
let iCnt = 0
if( window.dataLayer ) {
SyHeatmap.genHeatmap().forEach( ( oHMSum )=>{
let sMsg = oHMSum.caption + " | " + oHMSum.secs + " | " + Neodigm 55.salesforceGlobal.franchiseconfig.Name + " | " + Neodigm 55.salesforceGlobal.loginuser.UserRole.Name
window.dataLayer.push( { "event": "Neodigm 55_heatmap", "msg": sMsg, "hm_secs": oHMSum.secs, "hm_fran": Neodigm 55.salesforceGlobal.franchiseconfig.Name, "hm_role": Neodigm 55.salesforceGlobal.loginuser.UserRole.Name } )
SyHeatmap.resetHeatMap() // Reset and Rebind
SyHeatmap.reInit( this.aQryContext[ 0 ], this.aQryContext[ 1 ])
return iCnt;
static tick (){
if( this.aQryContext.length ){ // Must have already been fired
let elSame = this.aQryContext[ 1 ].querySelector( this.aQryContext[ 0 ] );
if( elSame ){
if( elSame.innerHTML != this.aObservedEl[0]?.innerHTML ){ SyHeatmap.appendDataLayer() }
}else{ SyHeatmap.appendDataLayer() }
} // Neodigm 55 Heatmap End
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (ev)=>{
setTimeout( ()=>{
SyHeatmap.reInit( [ "DIV>H2" ], document.querySelector("#app > div.v-application--wrap > div.container.Neodigm > div > div") )
}, 3e3 )
The Neodigm 55 Heatmap component captures the amount of time that each card is visible to an end user on a laptop or mobile device.
The summation of card activity is then packaged into the analytics data layer to be consumed by Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics. Activity that occurs while offline will be updated upon reconnection to the network if the app has not been closed.
The Neodigm 55 Heatmap component utilized the Intersection Observer pattern to track when and for how long block elements (cards) are visible in the user agent viewport.
The component is configured to only report if a card is visible for greater than 3 seconds. This threshold is configurable. There are some edge cases wherein data may lose fidelity. For example if the user opens another tab or abruptly closes the browser while a card is within the viewport.
The component captures the existence of cards within the browser's viewport, however the application may partially obstruct the viewport with an overlaying menu. Meaning that the Heatmap may report that a particular card is in view a few microseconds before it is actually visible. This discrepancy is so small that it is not statistically significant.
The data layer entries that the heatmaps create are additive, meaning that there may be more than one for a single component. This is because the end user viewed a particular card component, exited the card, then reentered the card.

Get all products from Any Shopify Site
Fetch all Products and Images from any Shopify site.
// Fetch all Products and Images from any Shopify site.
/* _____ __ __ ___ ____ ____ _____ __ __
/ ___/| | | / \ | \ || || | |
( \_ | | || || o ) | | __|| | |
\__ || _ || O || _/| | | |_ | ~ |
/ \ || | || || | | | | _] |___, |
\ || | || || | | | | | | |
\___||__|__| \___/ |__| |____||__| |____/ 😎 */
var aP = [];
const neodigmMU = `
<textarea id="elT" rows=8></textarea>`; // Universal Templs
let eMU = document.createElement("textarea");
eMU.outerHTML = neodigmMU;
(function getProducts(url = ',images') {
fetch(url).then(res => {
const headerLink = res.headers.get('link');
const match = headerLink?.match(/<[^;]+\/(\w+\.json[^;]+)>;\srel="next"/);
const url = match ? match[1] : false;
res.json().then((data) => { => {
//console.log( JSON.stringify( el ) )
aP.push( JSON.stringify( el ) )
} else {
res.json().then((data) => { => {
//console.log( JSON.stringify( el ) )
aP.push( JSON.stringify( el ) )
function doTextArea(){
let elTA = document.getElementById("elT")
aP.forEach( (p) =>{
// console.log( " ~~~ | " + p );
elTA.textContent = elTA.textContent + p + "\n" }

JS Airport Geo-Proximity Radius
Airport geo-proximity logic that answers questions, like What are the three closest airports to me right now?
// Desc: Get the closest airports by geolocation radius
// Usage: closestAirports.find(-99, -99, oAirports, 4); // 4 miles
/* ___ _ _ _
* / _ \___ ___ | | ___ ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __
* / /_\/ _ \/ _ \| |/ _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
* / /_\\ __/ (_) | | (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
* \____/\___|\___/|_|\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| ✈️ */
function getDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
let radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180;
let radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180;
let theta = lon1-lon2;
let radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180;
let dst = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);
if (dst > 1) dst = 1;
dst = Math.acos(dst);
dst = dst * (180/Math.PI) * (60 * 1.1515); // miles
return dst;
let closestAirports = ((_d) => {
return {
"find": function(nLat, nLon, objPorts, nRadius){
if(nLat && nLon && objPorts){
let arrPorts = [];
for (let prop in objPorts) { // Sort Object
if (objPorts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
let lat = objPorts[prop].geoCode.split(",")[0];
let lon = objPorts[prop].geoCode.split(",")[1];
'key': prop, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon,
"dist": getDistance(lat, lon, nLat, nLon),
"formattedAirport": objPorts[prop].formattedAirport
arrPorts.sort(function(a, b){
// Sort by Distance
return a.dist - b.dist;
return arrPorts.filter(function(aP){
return (aP.dist <= nRadius);

Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
// Desc: Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
// Usage: Console log getDims() onresize event of body
/* _ _____ _ _
/\ | | | __ \ | | (_)
/ \ ___ _ __ ___ ___| |_ | |__) |__ _| |_ _ ___
/ /\ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| __| | _ // _` | __| |/ _ \
/ ____ \\__ \ |_) | __/ (__| |_ | | \ \ (_| | |_| | (_) |
/_/ \_\___/ .__/ \___|\___|\__| |_| \_\__,_|\__|_|\___/
| |
|_| 🎯 */
const gcd = (a, b) => {
return b
? gcd(b, a % b)
: a;
const aspectRatio = (width, height) => {
const divisor = gcd(width, height);
return `${width / divisor}:${height / divisor}`;
const getDims = function(){
if(window.innerWidth !== undefined && window.innerHeight !== undefined) {
var w = Number( window.innerWidth )
var h = Number( window.innerHeight )
var a = aspectRatio( w, h )
} else {
var w = Number( document.documentElement.clientWidth )
var h = Number( document.documentElement.clientHeight )
var a = aspectRatio( w, h )
return {"ratio": a, "h": h, "w": w};

Javascript Generate and Download CSV
Produce CSV with client-side JS. Construct Blog and Download as CSV file.
// Desc: Produce CSV with client-side JS. Contruct Blob and Download as CSV file
/* _________ _____________ ____ __________.__ ___.
* \_ ___ \ / _____/\ \ / / \______ \ | ____\_ |__
* / \ \/ \_____ \ \ Y / | | _/ | / _ \| __ \
* \ \____/ \ \ / | | \ |_( <_> ) \_\ \
* \______ /_______ / \___/ |______ /____/\____/|___ /
* \/ \/ \/ \/ CSV Report */
✅ The resulting CSV files will contain a header row deterministic column names
✅ The resulting CSV files will be quoted
✅ The file name is auto-generated timestamp
✅ Cell string data may contain a comma “,” however quotes will be removed
✅ Cell string data may contain only utf-8 characters
let nativeCSV = ( ( _d )=>{
let oCnt, jnCSV, sCSV, blCSV, elCSV; // config, json, array, blob, and element
let retObj = {
"init": ( _oCnt )=>{
oCnt = _oCnt;
if( oCnt.fileName.indexOf("####") !== -1) {
oCnt.fileName = oCnt.fileName.replace("####", );}
jnCSV = sCSV = blCSV = elCSV = "";
return retObj;
"setArray": ( _jnCSV )=>{ // An array (rows) of arrays (cols) !jagged
jnCSV = _jnCSV;
if( oCnt.header ) jnCSV.unshift( oCnt.header );
jnCSV.forEach(( aRow )=>{
aRow.forEach(( sCol )=>{
if( typeof sCol === "string"){
sCSV += oCnt.delimQuote + sCol
.split( oCnt.delimQuote ).join("");
sCSV += oCnt.delimQuote + oCnt.delimCol;
sCSV = sCSV.slice(0, -1) + oCnt.delimLine;
return retObj;
"getBlob": ()=>{
blCSV = new Blob([ sCSV ], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;" });
return retObj;
"createLink": ()=>{
elCSV = _d.createElement("a");
elCSV.setAttribute("href", URL.createObjectURL( blCSV ));
elCSV.setAttribute("download", oCnt.fileName ); = 'hidden';
_d.body.appendChild( elCSV );
return retObj;
"clickLink": ()=>{;
return retObj;
"removeLink": ()=>{
_d.body.removeChild( elCSV );
return retObj;
return retObj;
})( document );
console.log( nativeCSV.init({ // Usage:
"delimCol": ",",
"delimQuote": '"',
"delimLine": "\n",
"fileName": "graph_nodes_####.csv",
"header": ["id","name", "FQDN"]})
.setArray( currentGraph2Array(jCurrentGraph) )

PWA Add to Home Screen
Progressive Web App ⚡ Advanced Cache && Notification Patterns
/* ______ __ __ ______
/\ == \ /\ \ _ \ \ /\ __ \
\ \ _-/ \ \ \/ ".\ \ \ \ __ \
\ \_\ \ \__/".~\_\ \ \_\ \_\
\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ ✨ Add to Home Screen
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
let eA2hs = oD.getElementsByClassName("js-a2hs")[0];
let eA2hsP = oD.getElementsByClassName("js-a2hs--post")[0];
eA2hs.addEventListener("click", (e) => { = "none"; = "block";
.then((choiceResult) => {
if (choiceResult.outcome === "accepted") {
if( snck ) neodigmToast.q("Wow, Now I'm an App on your Desktop|How Convenient!");
playAudioFile( 7 ); // ggl tag event | User accepted the A2HS prompt
} else {
playAudioFile( 3 ); // ggl tag event | User dismissed the A2HS prompt
evDefPrompt = null;
function displayMsg( sMsg ){
// System Tray Notification
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
console.log('Notification API not supported.');
} else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
// If it's okay let's create a notification
var notification = new Notification( Nowish(), {icon: "", body: sMsg} );
} else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
// Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
var notification = new Notification( Nowish(), {icon: "", body: sMsg} );
/* ╔═╗┌─┐┬─┐┬ ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐
* ╚═╗├┤ ├┬┘└┐┌┘││ ├┤
* ╚═╝└─┘┴└─ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘
* ╦ ╦┌─┐┬─┐┬┌─┌─┐┬─┐
* ║║║│ │├┬┘├┴┐├┤ ├┬┘
* ╚╩╝└─┘┴└─┴ ┴└─┘┴└─ Advanced Cache ⚡ Notifications
workbox.LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
self.addEventListener("fetch", event => {
.then(cachedResponse => {
if (cachedResponse) {
return cachedResponse;
return fetch(event.request);
// Cache CSS files
// Use cache but update in the background ASAP
cacheName: 'css-cache',
// Cache image files
// Use the cache if it's available
cacheName: 'image-cache',
plugins: [
new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
maxEntries: 256, maxAgeSeconds: 172800,
class NeodigmPWA {
init () {
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', () => {
neodigmToast.q("##Application Installed|Neodigm UX ✨ Scott C. Krause") 8 )
if( dataLayer ) dataLayer.push({'event': 'appinstalled'})
}, 1200)
let neodigmPWA = new NeodigmPWA()

HTML data attrib to JavaScript camel-case dataset
Convert an HTML formatted data attrib name to a JS formatted name.
// Desc: data-is-whatever will be converted to isWhatever
// Usage: element.dataset[ data2prop("data-is-whatever") ]
/*______ _____ __ __ _____ _ _
| ____/ ____| \/ | /\ / ____| (_) | |
| |__ | | | \ / | / \ | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
| __|| | | |\/| | / /\ \ \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
| |___| |____| | | |/ ____ \ ____) | (__| | | | |_) | |_
|______\_____|_| |_/_/ \_\_____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__|
| |
|_| ES2021*/
function data2prop( sDset ){ // Convert HTML data attrib name to JS dataset name
sDset = sDset.replace("data-", "").toLowerCase();
let aDset = sDset.split(""), aDret = [], bUpper = false;
aDset.forEach( ( sChar ) => {
if( sChar == "-" ){
bUpper = true;
aDret.push( ( bUpper ) ? sChar.toUpperCase() : sChar );
bUpper = false;
return aDret.join("");

Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Vintage Stored Procedure to denormalize department codes
-- ███████ ██████ ██
-- ██ ██ ██ ██
-- ███████ ██ ██ ██
-- ██ ██ ▄▄ ██ ██
-- ███████ ██████ ███████ Relational ⚡ Transactional
-- ▀▀
PROCEDURE post_stage
in_rowid_job cmxlb.cmx_rowid,
in_ldg_table_name cmxlb.cmx_table_name,
in_stg_table_name cmxlb.cmx_table_name,
out_error_msg OUT cmxlb.cmx_message,
out_return_code OUT int
sql_stmt varchar2(2000);
t_party_acct_id varchar2(14);
t_txn_div_cd varchar2(20);
t_txn_div_display varchar2(50);
commit_count NUMBER := 0;
commit_inc NUMBER := 1000;
commit_inc := to_number(GET_PARAMETER('post_stage_commit', commit_inc));
IF in_ldg_table_name = 'C_LDG_PTAC_TXN_DIV' AND in_stg_table_name = 'C_STG_PTAC_TXN_DIV' THEN
-- 20130225 SCK Update the stage txn_div_display col with a denormalized string derived
-- from an aggregate of both staging and base object.
cmxlog.debug ('ADDUE: Landing table name is ' || in_ldg_table_name || ' Staging table name is ' || in_stg_table_name);
post_stage_concat(R_PTAC_TXN.PARTY_ACCT_ID, t_txn_div_display);
SET txn_div_display = t_txn_div_display, create_date = sysdate WHERE TXN_DIV_CD = R_PTAC_TXN.TXN_DIV_CD AND
commit_count := commit_count + commit_inc;
IF MOD(commit_count, 1000) = 0 THEN
cmxlog.debug ('ADDUE: post_stage_concat is: ' || commit_count || ':' || R_PTAC_TXN.PARTY_ACCT_ID || ' : ' || t_txn_div_display);
CMXlog.debug ('ADDUE Post Stage - no action taken');
END post_stage;

Dark Mode and Reduced Motion
Making Dark Mode work with both a UI switch && the OS preference.
// Desc: Listen to the OS for user preference
// but override with a UI toggle.
/* ______ __ ____ ____ __
|_ _ `. [ | _ |_ \ / _| | ]
| | `. \ ,--. _ .--. | | / ] | \/ | .--. .--.| | .---.
| | | |`'_\ : [ `/'`\]| '' < | |\ /| | / .'`\ \/ /'`\' |/ /__\\
_| |_.' /// | |, | | | |`\ \ _| |_\/_| |_| \__. || \__/ || \__.,
|______.' \'-;__/[___] [__| \_] |_____||_____|'.__.' '.__.;__]'.__.' User Prefs */
let doPrefersReducedMotion = function( bMotion ){// Stop 3D rotation
o3Config.controls.autoRotate = !bMotion;
let doPrefersColorScheme = function( bScheme ){ // UI | OS Semaphore
document.body.dataset.n55AmpmTheme = ((bScheme) ? "dark" : "light"); // 🌙 / ☀️
// Capture the prefers media queries
const mqPrefReducedMotion = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
const mqPrefColorScheme = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
doPrefersReducedMotion( (mqPrefReducedMotion && mqPrefReducedMotion.matches) );
doPrefersColorScheme( (mqPrefColorScheme && mqPrefColorScheme.matches) );
// listen to changes in the media query's value
mqPrefReducedMotion.addEventListener("change", () => {
doPrefersReducedMotion( mqPrefReducedMotion.matches );
mqPrefColorScheme.addEventListener("change", () => {
doPrefersColorScheme( mqPrefColorScheme.matches );
/* Dark Mode begin */
/*@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {*/
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] [role='main'] {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #5A5852, #c2c2c2, #5A5852)
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .h-bg__stripe, body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .l-caro-design > article, body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] article.l-caro-design {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,#242424,#242424 24px,#444 24px,#444 48px);
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] section.pfmf-grid > div > article {
border: solid 1px #888;
border-top: solid 2px #888;
box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px -2px rgba(164,164,164,0.6);
background-color: #242424;
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .readable__doc { color: #fff; }
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .readable__caption { color: #fff; }
body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .h-vect-line-art { stroke: #fff;}
/* Dark Mode end */

Vanilla JS Popover Microinteraction
A popover is a transient view that shows on a content screen when a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area.
// A popover is a transient view that shows on a content screen when
// a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area.
/* __ __ __ __ __ __ __
/\ \/\ \ /\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\_\_\_\
\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \/_/\_\/_
\ \_____\ \ \_\ \ \_____\ /\_\/\_\
\/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ */
class NeodigmPopTart {
constructor(_d, _aQ) { // Orthogonal Diagonalizer 🌶️ Protomolecule
this._d = _d; this._aQ = _aQ; this.oPopTmpls = {}
this.elBound = null; this.sBoundTheme = neodigmOpt.N55_THEME_DEFAULT
this.fOnBeforeOpen = {}; this.fOnAfterOpen = {}; this.fOnClose = {}
this.bIsOpen = this.bIsInit = false
init() {
if( !this.bIsInit ){ // once
this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].addEventListener("mouseover", ( ev ) => { // data-n55-poptart-hover
if( ){
const sAttrEv = // || ev?.srcElement?.parentNode?.dataset?.n55PoptartHover
this.sBoundTheme = || || || neodigmOpt.N55_THEME_DEFAULT
if( this.sBoundTheme != "disabled" ) {
let elPopTmpl = this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].querySelector( "#" + sAttrEv )
if( elPopTmpl?.dataset?.n55Poptart ){
this.elBound =
this.sBoundTheme = this.elBound ||neodigmOpt.N55_THEME_DEFAULT
ev.preventDefault() this.oPopTmpls[ sAttrEv ] = elPopTmpl, JSON.parse( elPopTmpl.dataset.n55Poptart ) )
}, false)
this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].addEventListener("contextmenu", ( ev ) => { // data-n55-poptart-rightclick
if( || ){
const sAttrEv = ||
neodigmPopTart.click_and_right_click( ev, sAttrEv )
}, false)
this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].addEventListener("click", ( ev ) => { // 👁️ Outside Click
if( this.bIsOpen ){
let eTarget =, bInside = false;
while( eTarget.tagName !== "HTML" ){
if( eTarget.dataset.n55PoptartOpen ){ bInside = true; break; }
eTarget = eTarget.parentNode;
if( !bInside ){ neodigmPopTart.close() }
}else{ // data-n55-poptart-click
if( || ){
const sAttrEv = ||
neodigmPopTart.click_and_right_click( ev, sAttrEv )
}, true)
this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].addEventListener("keydown", ( ev ) => { // Close on Esc Key
if ( ev.key == "Escape" ){ if( this.bIsOpen ) this.close() }
}, true)
this.bIsInit = true
return this;
click_and_right_click( ev, sAttrEv, bPrevDef=true ){
this.sBoundTheme = || || || neodigmOpt.N55_THEME_DEFAULT
if( this.sBoundTheme != "disabled" ) {
let elPopTmpl = this._d[ neodigmOpt.N55_APP_STATE.CONTEXT ].querySelector( "#" + sAttrEv )
if( elPopTmpl?.dataset?.n55Poptart ){
this.elBound =
if( bPrevDef ) ev.preventDefault() this.oPopTmpls[ sAttrEv ] = elPopTmpl, JSON.parse( elPopTmpl.dataset.n55Poptart ) )
open( elPop, oPos ) {
if( this.bIsInit && !this.bIsPause && && !elPop.dataset?.n55PoptartOpen ) {
let nOffSetT, nOffSetL, nOffSetH, nOffSetW; // oPos offset conf
nOffSetT = nOffSetL = nOffSetH = nOffSetW = 0;
if( oPos?.offset ){
nOffSetH = oPos?.offset?.h || 0
nOffSetL = oPos?.offset?.l || 0
nOffSetT = oPos?.offset?.t || 0
nOffSetW = oPos?.offset?.w || 0
let oRctBound = this.elBound.getBoundingClientRect()
let pxLft = window.pageXOffset || this._d.documentElement.scrollLeft
let pxTop = window.pageYOffset || this._d.documentElement.scrollTop
const NOFFSET = 10
// Allow pre CB to cancel open
if( this.fOnBeforeOpen[ ] ){ if( !this.fOnBeforeOpen[ ]() ) return false; }
if( this.fOnBeforeOpen[ "def" ] ){ if( !this.fOnBeforeOpen[ "def" ]() ) return false; }
elPop.dataset.n55PoptartOpen =
let oRctPopCt = elPop.getBoundingClientRect()
oPos.w = ( ( oPos.w ) ? oPos.w : ( oRctBound.width + nOffSetW ) ) // W
oPos.x = ( ( oPos.x ) ? oPos.x : ( ( oRctBound.left + (oRctBound.width / 2) ) - ( oPos.w / 2) + pxLft + nOffSetL ) ) // X // TODO calc and align x center of bound elm
oPos.y = ( ( oPos.y ) ? oPos.y : ( + pxTop - nOffSetT ) ) // Y
oPos.z = ( ( oPos.z ) ? oPos.z : neodigmOpt.N55_ZIND.PopTart ) // Z
oPos.h = ( ( oPos.h ) ? (oPos.h + nOffSetH) : "auto" ) // H
oPos.position = ( ( oPos.position ) ? oPos.position : "bottom" ) // P
switch( oPos.position ){
case "top":
oPos.y = ( oPos.y - ( oRctBound.height + oRctPopCt.height ) + NOFFSET )
case "right":
oPos.x = ( oPos.x + oRctBound.width )
case "bottom":
oPos.y = ( oPos.y + oRctBound.height ) + NOFFSET
case "left":
oPos.x = ( oPos.x - oRctBound.width )
} = oPos.x + "px"; = oPos.y + "px"; = oPos.w + "px" = ( oPos.h == "auto" ) ? "auto" : oPos.h + "px";
// = "absolute"; = oPos.z;
if( !elPop.dataset?.n55Theme ) elPop.dataset.n55Theme = this.sBoundTheme // Inherit Theme from Bound El, may be flash theme
if( neodigmOpt.N55_GTM_DL_POPTRT ) neodigmUtils.doDataLayer( neodigmOpt.N55_GTM_DL_POPTRT, )
this.bIsOpen = true
if( this.fOnAfterOpen[ ] ) this.fOnAfterOpen[ ]()
if( this.fOnAfterOpen["def"] ) this.fOnAfterOpen["def"]()
return this;
close() {
for( let e in this.oPopTmpls ){
if( this.oPopTmpls[ e ]?.dataset?.n55PoptartOpen ){
let sId = this.oPopTmpls[ e ]?.id
let bOkClose = true // CBs must explicitly return false to prevent closing
if( neodigmOpt.N55_DEBUG_lOG ) console.log( "~Poptart Close | " + sId, this.fOnClose[ sId ] )
if( this.fOnClose[ sId ] ) bOkClose = !(this.fOnClose[ sId ]( sId ) === false) // The specific can cancel the generic
if( bOkClose && this.fOnClose["def"] ) bOkClose = !(this.fOnClose["def"]( sId ) === false)
if( bOkClose ){
delete this.oPopTmpls[ e ].dataset.n55PoptartOpen;
this.bIsOpen = false
return this;
pause ( nT ){
if( this.bIsInit ){
if( nT ) setTimeout( () =>{}, nT )
this.bIsPause = true; return this;
play (){
this.bIsPause = false;
return this;
shake( bSound = true) { // Shake All Open
if(this.bIsInit && this.bIsOpen) {
if( neodigmOpt.neodigmWired4Sound ) neodigmWired4Sound.doHaptic([8, 32, 48])
for( let e in this.oPopTmpls ){
if( this.oPopTmpls[ e ]?.dataset?.n55PoptartOpen ){
this.oPopTmpls[ e ].classList.add("ndsp__opened--shake1");
neodigmPopTart.oPopTmpls[ e ].classList.remove("ndsp__opened--shake1");
}, 460)
if( bSound && neodigmOpt.neodigmWired4Sound && neodigmOpt.EVENT_SOUNDS ) neodigmWired4Sound.sound( 13, "QUITE" )
if( neodigmOpt.neodigmWired4Sound ) neodigmWired4Sound.doHaptic([48, 32, 8])
return this
isOpen(){ return this.bIsOpen }
setOnBeforeOpen( _f, id="def"){ this.fOnBeforeOpen[ id ] = _f }
setOnAfterOpen( _f, id="def"){ this.fOnAfterOpen[ id ] = _f }
setOnClose( _f, id="def"){ this.fOnClose[ id ] = _f }

Vue.js double tap Microinteraction
Firing both a tap and a double-tap on the same element
// A Vue.js snippet that shows how to capture both a tap and
// a double-tap on the same element within the template.
// Canonical Use Case: Double-Tap to zoom into a hero image
// and single-tap to zoom out.
/* ____ ____ __
* \ \ / /_ __ ____ |__| ______
* \ Y / | \_/ __ \ | |/ ___/
* \ /| | /\ ___/ | |\___ \
* \___/ |____/ \___ > /\ /\__| /____ >
* \/ \/ \______| \/ */
methods: {
"doHeroMobMouseUp": function( ev ){ // Double Tap
var oHro = this.oHeroZmMob;
if( oHro.isInit ){
if( oHro.doubleTap ){ // Zoom In
oHro.doubleTap = false;
this.doHeroMobScale( .5 ); // Double Tap
oHro.doubleTap = true;
setTimeout(function(){ this.doHeroMobMouseUp_expire() }, 380);
this.oHeroZmMob.isDown = false;
"doHeroMobMouseUp_expire": function(){ // Single Tap
var oHro = this.oHeroZmMob;
if( oHro.isInit ){ // Zoom Out
if( oHro.doubleTap ) this.doHeroMobScale( -.5 ); // Single Tap
oHro.doubleTap = false;
This is only part of a larger Vue gesture implementation supporting
Pinch 🤏, Zoom, Pan, and Swipe. Reach out to me if you want to learn more.

CSS Advanced Accessibility
Motion, theme, and skip A11Y CSS solutions
/* Skip to Main Content - CSS Focus rules that make the
link visible when focused from the omnibox.
==== ======== ======== ===== ==== =
=== ===== ====== ===== == =
== == ====== ======== ====== == ==
= ==== ===== ======== ====== == ==
= ==== ===== ======== ======= ===
= ===== ======== ======== ====
= ==== ===== ======== ======== ====
= ==== ===== ======== ======== ====
= ==== === ==== ====== ====
======================================== */
a.skip__main:active, a.skip__main:focus {
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 4px;
border: 2px solid #000;
color: #000;
font-size: 1em;
height: auto; width: 16%;
left: auto;
margin: 8px 42%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 4px;
text-align: center;
top: auto;
z-index: 1024;
a.skip__main {
left: -1024px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
top: auto;
width: 1px; height: 1px;
z-index: -1024;
/* Dark Mode begin */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body, [role='main'] {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #5A5852, #c2c2c2, #5A5852)
.h-bg__stripe, .l-caro-design > article, article.l-caro-design {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,#bbb,#bbb 24px,#ddd 24px,#ddd 48px);
/* Dark Mode end */
/* Reduced Motion begin*/
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
.hero__vect { animation: none; }
/* Reduced Motion end*/
<a class="js-skip__main--id skip__main"
href="#a11y-skipmain">Skip to Main Content</a>

Cypress E2E Quality Assurance
End to End testing 🚀 Headless browser automation
/* _____
/ __ \
| / \/_ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ ___
| | | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|
| \__/\ |_| | |_) | | | __/\__ \__ \
\____/\__, | .__/|_| \___||___/___/.io
__/ | |
|___/|_| E2E
✅ Automatically capture a video when a test fails
✅ Test values persisted in the Vuex (Vue.js Vuex specific) store
✅ Apply optional configuration files via the command line
✅ Test the uploading of images
✅ Create custom reusable, and chainable commands, such as cy.signIn() or cy.turnOnFeature()
✅ Test responsive layout & Local Storage
✅ Test A11y WCAG success criteria */
describe('E2E test | Hotel navigation, selection, and discovery', () => {
context('Admin Add Hotel to Event', function () { // ignore CORS
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false });
it('Success Login then Save Event', () => {
cy.viewport(1066, 600) // large laptop 66.563em
cy.log( JSON.stringify(Cypress.env()) )
let event_url; // The URL of the first event (default)
let dMessage = new Date(); // Now
dMessage = dMessage.toDateString() + " " + dMessage.toLocaleTimeString();
cy.tt_SignIn(Cypress.env( "mock_email" ), Cypress.env( "mock_password" ))
.then(() => {
cy.window().then( $win => {
cy.wrap( $win.system_output ).should("exist")
cy.url().should('not.include', 'login.')
cy.visit( Cypress.env( "e2e_url_events" ) )
cy.url().should('include', 'events.')
Cypress.Cookies.debug(true, { verbose: false })
cy.get("a[href*='event-edit']" ).first().click() // Find the first matching link in the table.
cy.get("#messages" ).type("{selectall}{backspace}E2E Test: " + dMessage )
cy.get("#eventForm > > div > input" ).first().click() // Save change
cy.get("#airTab" ).click() // select tab
cy.get("#activate_flights" ).check();
cy.get("#flightForm > > div > input" ).click();
cy.get("#vehicleTab" ).click() // select tab
cy.get("#activate_vehicle" ).uncheck();
cy.get("#vehicleForm > > div > input" ).click();
cy.get("#hotelTab" ).click() // select tab
cy.get("#activate_hotels" ).check();
cy.get("#hotelForm > > div > input" ).click();
// Extract URL from INPUT
.then( value => { event_url = value; });
cy.then(() => { return cy.visit(event_url); });
context('Choose Flight', function () {
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false }); // ignore CORS
it('Success Flight added to cart', () => {
cy.viewport(1066, 600) // large laptop 66.563em
cy.get("#from_airport" ).type( "ORD" )
cy.get("#to_airport" ).type( "LGA" )
cy.get("input[name='from_date']" ).click({ force: true })
cy.route("*").as( "checkout" )
cy.get("div.vdp-datepicker.flex-fill > div:nth-child(2) > div > span:nth-child(39)" ).first().click()
cy.get("#search-widget-btn" ).click()
cy.wait("@checkout" ).its('status').should('eq', 200)
.then( ($ModalMsg) => {
cy.get("div.align-self-center.col-6.col-md.col-sm.col-xl.order-12.p-xs-1.text-right > button" ).first().click()
} )
context('Hotel LightBox', function () {
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false }); // ignore CORS
it('Success Hotel added to cart', () => {
cy.viewport(1066, 600) // large laptop 66.563em
cy.get("picture > img" ).first()
.then( ( $picture )=>{
cy.wrap( $picture ).click()
cy.wait( 6000 )
cy.get(".l-ltbx__image" ).first().click() // Cycle photos forward
cy.get(".l-ltbx__vect--right" )
.then( ( $arrow_right ) => {
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.get(".l-ltbx__btn" ).first() // Cycle photos backward
.then( ( $arrow_left ) => {
cy.wrap( $arrow_left ).click()
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.get(".l-ltbx__figcap").invoke("text").should("include", "4 of")
.then( () => {
cy.get(".l-ltbx__vect" ).first().click() // Close Modal
cy.get("OUTPUT BUTTON.l-button" ).first().click() // Book Room
.then( () => {
cy.get( "A.ttfont-semibold.tttext-gray-700").first().click() // Change Tab
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.get( "A.ttfont-semibold.tttext-gray-700").first().click() // Change Tab
cy.wait( 1000 )
cy.get( "ARTICLE SECTION BUTTON.l-button").first().click() // Book Room
.then( ()=>{
cy.wait( 4000 )
cy.url().should('include', '/checkout')

Asynchronous eCom Nav Category Count
Asynchronous recursive crawl reports the total number of products by category.
// Desc: Asynchronous recursive crawl report the total number of products by category
// Usage: Console SNIPPET catCount.init();
/* @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
!@@ @@!@!@@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @!!
!@@!! @!@@!!@! !!@ @!@@!@! @!@@!@! @!!!:! @!!
!:! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!: !!:
::.: : :: : : : : : :: :: : run in console */
var catCount = (function(_d,_q){
"use strict";
let aSub = [];
return {
init: function(){
// Get ref to all product categories in the left nav 🛒
aSub = [ ... _d.querySelectorAll( _q ) ].filter( ( el ) => {
return (( el.firstChild.nodeValue ) && ( el.href ));
} );
aSub.forEach( ( elLink ) => {
if( elLink ) catCount.asyncTotal( elLink );
} );
parse: function( _Name, _Contents ){
let aTotl = _Contents.split("sizeTotalNumRecs");
if( aTotl[1].split('"')[2] ){
console.log( _Name, aTotl[1].split('"')[2]);
return true;
asyncTotal: function( _elLink ){
let oXhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", _elLink.href, true);
oXhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
if( this.readyState!==4 || this.status!==200 ) return;
catCount.parse( _elLink.firstChild.nodeValue, this.responseText );
})(document, "LI.item nav > a" );

Color of the Year CSS Styles
Color of the Year 2000 thru 2021 CSS Utility classes
/* Tailwind like CSS Utility classes for the
Pantone Color of the Years from 2000 thru 2021
/* ____ _
* | _ \ __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ ___
* | |_) / _` | '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ 2000- 2021
* | __/ (_| | | | | || (_) | | | | __/
* |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_|\___| 🟥 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟨 */
/* Color of the Year begin */
.bg-coy_2000 {background-color: #9BB7D4;} /* Cerulean */
.bg-coy_2001 {background-color: #C74375;} /* Fuchsia Rose */
.bg-coy_2002 {background-color: #BF1932;} /* True Red */
.bg-coy_2003 {background-color: #7BC4C4;} /* Aqua Sky */
.bg-coy_2004 {background-color: #E2583E;} /* Tigerlily */
.bg-coy_2005 {background-color: #53B0AE;} /* Blue Turquoise */
.bg-coy_2006 {background-color: #DECDBE;} /* Sand Dollar */
.bg-coy_2007 {background-color: #9B1B30;} /* Chili Pepper */
.bg-coy_2008 {background-color: #5A5B9F;} /* Blue Iris */
.bg-coy_2009 {background-color: #F0C05A;} /* Mimosa */
.bg-coy_2010 {background-color: #45B5AA;} /* Turquoise */
.bg-coy_2011 {background-color: #D94F70;} /* Honeysuckle */
.bg-coy_2012 {background-color: #DD4124;} /* Tangerine Tango */
.bg-coy_2013 {background-color: #009473;} /* Emerald */
.bg-coy_2014 {background-color: #B163A3;} /* Radiant Orchid */
.bg-coy_2015 {background-color: #955251;} /* Marsala */
.bg-coy_2016 {background-color: #F7CAC9;} /* Rose Quartz */
.bg-coy_2016b {background-color: #92A8D1;} /* Serenity */
.bg-coy_2017 {background-color: #88B04B;} /* Greenery */
.bg-coy_2018 {background-color: #5F4B8B;} /* Ultra Violet */
.bg-coy_2019 {background-color: #FF6F61;} /* Living Coral */
.bg-coy_2020 {background-color: #0F4C81;} /* Classic Blue */
.bg-coy_2021 {background-color: #939597;} /* Ultimate Gray */
.bg-coy_2021b {background-color: #F5DF4D;} /* Illuminating */
.bg-coy_2024 {background-color: #FFBE98;} /* Peach Fuzz */
.text-coy_2000 {color: #9BB7D4;} /* Cerulean */
.text-coy_2001 {color: #C74375;} /* Fuchsia Rose */
.text-coy_2002 {color: #BF1932;} /* True Red */
.text-coy_2003 {color: #7BC4C4;} /* Aqua Sky */
.text-coy_2004 {color: #E2583E;} /* Tigerlily */
.text-coy_2005 {color: #53B0AE;} /* Blue Turquoise */
.text-coy_2006 {color: #DECDBE;} /* Sand Dollar */
.text-coy_2007 {color: #9B1B30;} /* Chili Pepper */
.text-coy_2008 {color: #5A5B9F;} /* Blue Iris */
.text-coy_2009 {color: #F0C05A;} /* Mimosa */
.text-coy_2010 {color: #45B5AA;} /* Turquoise */
.text-coy_2011 {color: #D94F70;} /* Honeysuckle */
.text-coy_2012 {color: #DD4124;} /* Tangerine Tango */
.text-coy_2013 {color: #009473;} /* Emerald */
.text-coy_2014 {color: #B163A3;} /* Radiant Orchid */
.text-coy_2015 {color: #955251;} /* Marsala */
.text-coy_2016 {color: #F7CAC9;} /* Rose Quartz */
.text-coy_2016b {color: #92A8D1;} /* Serenity */
.text-coy_2017 {color: #88B04B;} /* Greenery */
.text-coy_2018 {color: #5F4B8B;} /* Ultra Violet */
.text-coy_2019 {color: #FF6F61;} /* Living Coral */
.text-coy_2020 {color: #0F4C81;} /* Classic Blue */
.text-coy_2021 {color: #939597;} /* Ultimate Gray */
.text-coy_2021b {color: #F5DF4D;} /* Illuminating */
.text-coy_2022 {color: #6667AB;} /* Very Peri */
.text-coy_2023 {color: #BE3455;} /* Viva Magenta */
.text-coy_2024 {color: #FFBE98;} /* Peach Fuzz */
/* Color of the Year end */

Solve Anagram Puzzle
Do two strings contain the exact amount of letters to form two words?
/* An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters
of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original
letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram itself can be
rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy. 🎯 🍰 🔥
/_\ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___
//_\\| '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \
/ _ \ | | | (_| | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | |
\_/ \_/_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|
|___/ */
// Determine if two strings are Anagrams
function isAnagram( word1 = "DOCTORWHO", word2 = "TORCHWOOD"){
let uc1 = word1.toUpperCase(), uc2 = word2.toUpperCase()
return ([ ... uc1 ].filter(( c )=>{
if( uc2.indexOf( c ) != -1 ){
uc2 = uc2.replace( c, "" ) // Replace First Occurrence
return true;
}).length === uc1.length && (!uc2))
console.warn( isAnagram("neodigm", "dogimen") );
// Palindromes | They can be read the same backwards and forwards!
// Is TACOCAT spelled backward still TACOCAT?
// People have been asking this question for thousands of years until...
// I wrote a function in JavaScript to prove it and end the debate. Palindrome in JavaScript
let isPalindrome = ( sIn = "tacocat" ) => ( sIn.split("").reverse().join("") === sIn );
_._ _,-'""`-._
(,-.`._,'( |\`-/|
`-.-' \ )-`( , o o)
`- \`_`"'- My name is Taco! ^_^

Virtual Keyboard Extention Configuration
TS Virtual Keyboard Chrome Extention
// TS Virtual Keyboard ⌨️ Chrome Extention | Configuration Class
* _______ _ _
* (_______) | | (_) _
* _ _ _ ____ ____ \ \ ____ ____ _ ____ | |_
* | | | | | | _ \ / _ ) \ \ / ___)/ ___) | _ \| _)
* | |____| |_| | | | ( (/ / _____) | (___| | | | | | | |__
* \______)__ | ||_/ \____|______/ \____)_| |_| ||_/ \___)
* (____/|_| |_|
npm install --save @types/chrome
class AVKOptions {
aOpts : Array<any>;
constructor ( pAr : Array<any> = [] ) {
this.aOpts = pAr;
setState ( sOpt : string, bState : boolean ) : boolean{
this.aOpts = this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
if (e[0] === sOpt) e[1] = bState;
return true;
} );
return bState;
getState ( sOpt : string ) : boolean {
return this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
if (e[0] === sOpt) {
return true;
getFeedback ( sOpt : string ) : string {
return this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
if (e[0] === sOpt) {
return true;
export let options = new AVKOptions([["audio", false, "Click Sounds"],
["autohide", false, "Hide if not in use"], ["blur", false, "Blur Text"],
["hover", false, "Hover No Click"], ["opaque", false, "Cannot See Through"],
["scramble", false, "Rearrange Keys"], ["theme", false, "Daytime theme"]]);

Web Music Ad Blocker Snippet
Automatically mute the Music player when Ads are playing and unmute when they are done (in Chrome).
/* Install: Open Chrome Dev Tools (Command+option+I on Mac). Menu > Sources > Snippets
Install: Create a new Snippet named musicADify.js, Paste this script, Save (Command+S).
Usage: Run the Snippet once each time you start the Music Web Player.
Usage: Right-Click the snippet named musicADify.js and choose Run from the drop-down.
Usage: Close Chrome Dev Tools. 🏖️ Play your Jams! 🎶
╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌─┐┬ ┬ ╔═╗┌┬┐┌─┐
╚═╗├─┘│ │ │ │├┤ └┬┘ ╠═╣ ││└─┐
╚═╝┴ └─┘ ┴ ┴└ ┴ ╩ ╩─┴┘└─┘ */
let spotADify = ( (_d, _q, _t) => {
let eS = _d.querySelector( _q ), bS = true;
if( eS ){ // 🏖️ Play your Jams! 🎶
bS = ( eS.getAttribute("aria-label") == "Mute" );
setInterval( () => {spotADify.tick();}, _t);
return {
"tick": () => {
if((_d.title.indexOf("Adve") != -1) || (_d.title.indexOf("Spoti") != -1)){
if( bS ){; bS=!true; }
if( !bS ){; bS=true; }
})( document, "[aria-label='Mute'],[aria-label='Unmute']", 256);

Capture Entire DOM State into Inline CSS Snapshot
Save As HTML a snapshot capture of entire DOM State with inline CSS
// Desc: Save As HTML a snapshot capture of entire DOM State with inline CSS
// Usage: Just paste this code into the console 🌴
/* _________ __ __ ____ __.
/ _____/ ____ _____/ |__/ |_ | |/ _|___________ __ __ ______ ____
\_____ \_/ ___\/ _ \ __\ __\ | < \_ __ \__ \ | | \/ ___// __ \
/ \ \__( <_> ) | | | | | \ | | \// __ \| | /\___ \\ ___/
/_______ /\___ >____/|__| |__| |____|__ \|__| (____ /____//____ >\___ > ES2022*/
function computedCSS2inline(element, options = {}) {
if (!element) {
throw new Error("No element specified.");
if (options.recursive) {
Array.from( element.children ).forEach(child => {
computedCSS2inline(child, options);
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
//( || computedStyle)::each(property => {
Array.from( computedStyle ).forEach(property => {[property] = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(property);
//element.setAttribute("class", "")
computedCSS2inline(document.body, {recursive: true});
[ ... document.querySelectorAll("script, link, style")].forEach(function(s){ s.outerHTML = ""})
async function saveToFile() {
const handle = await showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: 'grabbed.html',
types: [{
description: 'HTML',
accept: {'text/html': ['.html']},
const writable = await handle.createWritable();
await writable.write(document.body.parentNode.innerHTML);
console.log("NOTE: Run saveToFile() in console!")
Real-world Vetted Snippets